Dr. Sue Weisberg;
Cherished & Beloved.

A beloved pediatrician in the Highland Park suburb of Chicago, Dr. Sue Weisberg was known throughout the city as a devoted and loving doctor who would stop at nothing to ensure her young patients, or as she called them, her “angels,” were cared for in the best possible way.

More than a doctor, she was a friend to all who knew her. She had a gift to be able explain complicated medical conditions and procedures to parents.

Dr. Sue was a loving daughter, wife, mother, stepmother and grandmother. Her tragic loss was devastating, not only to her family, but to an entire community.

A famous rabbi once said that when he was young, he admired clever people, but that as he aged, he admired kind people.
— Susan Shoshana Weisberg, MD

Why a Library?

It began with a simple wish. A small dedicated corner with books for children to read. A few years later the Dr. Sue Library has blossomed into what it is today, a creative space for families to gather together.

The library will continue to embody the spirit Dr. Sue imbued within her pediatric practice; a dedicated devotion to kindness, empathy, understanding, unconditional love and care.

Noted scholar & author.

In addition to being a Pediatrician, Dr. Sue was a noted scholar and author. She wrote a highly praised book on vaccines, Factcines: “Facts on Vaccines.”

Always keeping the wellbeing of each of her “angels” and their entire families in mind, Dr. Sue wrote her next book on parenting adolescents, entitled; Thirteen Enjoyable Aspects of Parenting Adolescents: One Pediatrician’s Perspective on Our Greatest of Gifts, in Their Hardest of Years.

  • Just the Data. No Opinions. You Decide. Vaccine information without attitude. Just the data. No opinions. The medical literature on vaccines and vaccine targeted diseases translated into understandable English. Sources for every bit of information presented are documented, with over 1900 references cited. Includes 200 pages of easily readable text, and 82 pages of listed references. All net proceeds from book sales donated to non-profit charities.

  • One Pediatrician’s Perspective on Our Greatest of Gifts, in Their Hardest of Years. A positive perspective on the hard years. What medical research teaches us about parenting our adolescents with effectiveness, love, and good sense. The bright side of the dark years through the eyes of a pediatrician and parent, meant to inspire and empower.